Friday, July 15, 2016

A diversion

I had an interesting sensation yesterday that I want to share with you.  I have really felt a huge difference with the few pounds I've lost.  My aches are dimmed and my energy increased.  My self-image changed.  I felt thin again...

Then we took a picture in my class yesterday

To say I was disappointed would not be wholly correct. Sure, it was a stark reminder, a necessary shot of realism.

I'm a big woman, and that's OK.

But that's only have of what I got from this.  The other half is a reminder of what I'm aiming for.  When I was thin a couple of years ago, I felt it.  I felt attractive and special, unique and just plain good.  In order to not drag myself down over the last few years, I gave myself credit for having babies.  This is what my body is for and to avoid having children just to look good is selfish and prideful.

So, I'm a big woman, and that's OK.

Remembering being thin, remembering thinking I'm beautiful, remembering the power of my smile... that was what I got from this experience.  This goal of feeling that way again, not just the numbers, but really feeling these things again, that is what this journey is about.

Admittedly, I'm a big woman, and that's OK.

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