Many many years ago, in a land far far away (California), I was thin. I wrestled for my high school, so I was also fit. However, I, being the youngest of four and the last child at home, I was not a healthy eater. My knowledge of fast food menus was extensive and my taste in those various types of food was particular. I was not a healthy eater!
Fast forward three children and I've gained a respectable amount of weight maxing out at 297 lbs. This was a pinnacle moment for me and I was determined to do something about it. So, I created "Watch Beth Lose it", the first. For eight months I tried to watch what I ate, exercise more and lose weight... it didn't work. I lose eight lbs. and was devastated by what felt like monumental failure.
In July 2009, I had the lapband placed. This was huge and I proceeded to lose 140 lbs. in total. I also was divorced during this time. What a huge change of life occurred. I was beautiful, no seriously, freakin' gorgeous!!! I got to play in some awesome theatrical roles and was frequently asked to perform in music programs as a soloist. I dated a lot, but I learned more.
Fast forward again to July 2012, I got married. My lapband had slipped and was no longer effective. I did not have the insurance coverage that provided a removal or replacement. In December, I was pregnant... miscarried. In March, I was pregnant again, miscarried. In June, pregnant again, and over the course of the two miscarriages and my daughter's pregnancy, I gained nearly every pound back that I had lost. Nine months after having her, I was pregnant again (yes, I know what causes it and it's fun, so worth it), and didn't gain much with him but have found myself gaining a few pounds here and there.

I currently sit (I should stop sitting, right?) at just shy of 315 lbs. That's a lot!!! Recently, I was invited to a weight loss competition on Facebook. It occurred to me that my weight loss through surgery was rather unhealthy as it was strictly a calorie restriction. I did not eat healthier or exercise more. I just ate less.
So, we're going to try this again. You, all of you, are here to hold me accountable. Ask questions, give suggestions, offer advice and hold me to my goals. The weight loss competition is a 12 week deal. At the end of twelve weeks, I hope to be not just lighter, but healthier. I'd like to create habits that will not only help me win this competition, but create habits that will help me to continue in my weight loss journey.
In my next post, I will walk you through my plan.